NYPL Resources

 ABC Clio logo   Credo logo   Gale Virtual Reference Library logo   Literature Resource Center logo 
ABC-Clio provides service to fifteen different online databases which contain over one million online textbooks. Credo Reference provides full-text online access to hundreds of multidisciplinary reference book collections, including art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias Gale Virtual Reference Library Literature Resource Center
 Oxford English Dictionary logo   Gale US History in context graphic   Gale World History in context graphic   Project Muse logo 
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED). includes in depth information about words such as etymology, definition, part of speech, date of origination, pronunciation, quotation, and cross-references. Gale US History in Context Gale World History in Context Provides full-text to over 500 peer-reviewed scholarly journals and scholarship in the humanities and social sciences.
 Oxford Art Online graphic   Very short introductions graphic with stack of books GALE logo  
Oxford Art Online Includes concise overviews to a range of academic  subjects in the arts & humanities, law, medicine & health, science & mathematics, and social sciences

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